She doesn't want to read a story, play with her sisters, or go for a walk. She only wants to play alone with her Elmo doll, or watch her favorite movies on TV. Period. The only exception to this routine is if I can get her to stay in the yard after she gets off the bus. She enjoys nature and throws the ball for our dog. It helps her unwind.
I don't let it bother me like it once did. She has a lot of 'have to's' at school, and home is her down time. I give her time to veg out doing a mindless activity after school, and usually, by dinner she is more herself. I save shower/bath time for just before bed, and then she'll usually let me read her a book (same one every time). I think she's just humoring me. She gets lots of stories in school.
In that way, she is similar to my husband who wants to veg out after a day at work!
I think there is a comfort to routine after what can be a very taxing school day.
Last night we had a friend come over for dinner with her big family. Christina had a marvelous time playing dress up in the basement, but had a big meltdown when they left at 8:00. It took over an hour to get her upstairs and ready for bed. She probably enjoyed the break from her routine, but it still ruffled her feathers.
I have to accept her needs after school and not deviate from them more than necessary.