But it doesn't really matter that Christina is so opinionated.
She has excellent, wholesome taste because I screen everything she sees. That is the beauty of homeschooling a daughter with Down syndrome. You can create the bubble of innocence around her that will preserve her purity and her sense of security that the world is a good place. And if you are careful, she won't get through the cracks to the outside world, as her older sisters fought so hard to do. It makes me wonder how long I can keep her world a happy collection of old musicals, saint videos, and princess movies.
Watching the Academy Awards downstairs with 17 year old Bella (yes we switched off the underwear show!) while Christina was watching "The Sound of Music" upstairs seemed a safe plan. When Christina's movie ended, she came downstairs, and I kept the remote in hand when she began to watch the Awards with us.
I tensed up when Lady Gaga appeared on stage to sing a 50th anniversary tribute to our favorite musical film, "The Sound of Music." She looked innocent enough (barring the tattoos) in a sparkly white ball gown reminiscent of Glenda, the Good Witch in "The Wizard of Oz." Her hair hung in silver curls, and her voice was sweet. I expected the dress to be ripped off, revealing a horrible red get up (she did sport a gaudy pair of dish washing gloves on the red carpet) in mockery of the film's Catholic theme.
My cynicism was gradually replaced by wonder at her talent (why on earth was she hiding such a gift?) and the enthusiastic response from the audience. Bella and I cheered through the last songs of the medley, like we do when the Yankees are nailing the Series, all the way to the grand slam when Julie Andrews came out and gave her a bear hug. Tears streaming down our faces, we gave her our own standing ovation!
"Well done," I said, "now go and sin no more!"
Christina was calmly enjoying the very same music she had just enjoyed upstairs. To her, this near miracle of Lady Gaga using her impressive talents in a wholesome manner, was merely life as usual. She has no understanding of how debased the culture has become in those fifty years since I was a little girl seeing my first movie in a theater. Culturally speaking, Christina lives back in 1965, when entertainment did not need as watchful a mother to shield her girls. Songs make her joyful, lifting her heart to God.
May her favorite things ever protect my precious
child from this sick world we have created in the past 50 years.