This is from Peter Elliot of the Down syndrome Research Foundation

- . There has been some very successful research in 2010 that you may not know about. The Optima Team at Oxford published the results of a 2 year RDB project that tested a medicine of folic acid+B12+B6 at a high dose rate to prevent the loss of brain tissue seen in patients with early onset dementia. After 2 years everyone on the medicine saw a benefit compared to those on the placebo. Adults with DS are at high risk of dementia and this happens much sooner. I have been talking to this research team and they have agreed to help design a medicine for our children and this will target a correction to the biochemistry caused by trisomy 21. The objective is a nutrition based medicine that prevents problems and allows more normal growth and development. We can now see the genes that are effected by Trisomy 21 so we can also see when they are being corrected. This is amazing technology. This research should be underway in 2011 and we will be needing parents who have a young child with DS and a near same age and same sex normal sibling to volunteer to donate small blood samples for this genetics and biochemistry research project. I need the names now so we know where you are and you can email me at The project will be based in Europe but we have close ties and a collaboration with leading researchers in the USA. DSRF-USA is a new registered Non Profit in Texas and will be linked to DSRF-UK through our fundraising and website activity. Nothing happens until the parents get involved and I am just ONE parent. Now is the time for you to get involved. Information on this technology will be posted on our website next month. How is the DSRF-UK and the DSRF-USA different from all the other DS organizations? We are proactive and we seek out the best research, we dont have any paid employees and we dont assume someone is going to help our children and come knocking at our door. We find the best researchers and we ask for their help and we offer to help them. We Collaborate and support the programs that can find very safe medicines. Medical research to find the medicine that will help our children and transform their lives is our objective. Show your support and send a donation from our website and write to me and volunteer for research. A lot of work lies ahead but the researchers have agreed to help us. Now its your turn. Peter Elliott - Research Director - DSRF-UK / DSRF-US