My opthamologist says I need to remove a mole behind my right eye. Right away.
It might be cancer. It looks like a melanoma.
I am offering up any suffering I have to go through for the success of my book, which is nearly ready to go to press. "A Special Mother is Born".
Please join me in asking Servant of God Dr Jerome Lejeune for his heavenly intercession for my healing.
Read about his love for children with Down syndrome in my article here.
Let us pray
God who created man in Your image and intended him to share Your Glory, we thank Your for having granted to Your Church the gift of Professor Jerome Lejeune, a distinguished Servant of Life.
He knew how to place his immense inteligence and deep faith at the service of the defense of human life, especially unborn life, always seeking to treat and to cure. A passionate witness to truth and charity, he knew how to reconcile faith and reason in the sight of today's world.
By his intercession, and according to Your will, we ask You to grant us the graces we implore, hoping that he will soon become one of Your saints.

It might be cancer. It looks like a melanoma.
I am offering up any suffering I have to go through for the success of my book, which is nearly ready to go to press. "A Special Mother is Born".
Please join me in asking Servant of God Dr Jerome Lejeune for his heavenly intercession for my healing.
Read about his love for children with Down syndrome in my article here.
Let us pray
God who created man in Your image and intended him to share Your Glory, we thank Your for having granted to Your Church the gift of Professor Jerome Lejeune, a distinguished Servant of Life.
He knew how to place his immense inteligence and deep faith at the service of the defense of human life, especially unborn life, always seeking to treat and to cure. A passionate witness to truth and charity, he knew how to reconcile faith and reason in the sight of today's world.
By his intercession, and according to Your will, we ask You to grant us the graces we implore, hoping that he will soon become one of Your saints.

Prayers Leticia (to LeJeune, of course). That is certainly really scary, but you know you have that pattern of a big wallop before something good happens, so this certainly fits. Were you going for a regular eye exam or are there some symptoms that made you go??
It is kind of reassuring isn't it that one of our fb friends has one too - and that it's not cancerous. Maybe this happens more often than we think and turns out okay . . . praying.
Will be lifting you up in prayer...
Hope all goes well, Leticia. Praying for you.
I prayed this prayer and I will keep you in my prayers. May Our Lord's peace be with you during this trying time.
Will be praying for you!!
Ave Maria
Praying my heart out for you, dear Leticia. So sorry you are going through this. I love you.
You will pray for us and we pray also.
Prayers are coming your way, Leticia. I've never heard of a mole behind an eye. You'll remain in my prayers until we hear some good news!
Dear Leticia, you are in my prayers!
Praying for you dear Leticia! And your doctor as well.
Will do.
Thank you so much everyone. I knew I could count on you!
I'm praying too!!! God bless you!
Dear Leticia, I and my family will be praying for you every night.
I was told I had a spot behind my eye, and the ophthalmologist, said that he thought it may be Cancerous,but didn't think so because there was no tearing around the edges. I pray it will be the same for you. I hope you have gotten a second opinion also.
May our Lord guide your physicians.
My prayers are with you...I will be praying not only through the intercession of Dr. LeJeune, but also asking Our Lady of America to heal you as she promised more miracles than at Fatima and Lourdes.
Just last week a two year old in our parish was healed of brain cancer through Our Lady of America. Though never traveling to Rome City, Indiana themselves, I gave her grandmother some of the holy water from this holy place ( and the night after she blessed little Jordan with it the doctors came in with brain scan results. The tumor - which was very large and a rare and difficult form to eradicate - was totally gone!!!!
You have always been courageous, so I am inspired but not surprised by your redemptive suffering. May Our Lady wrap you in her protective mantle and Immaculate Heart during this trial.
In Christ's Peace -
I'm sending up prayers for Christ's protection of you through the surgery and in recovery and praying that the mole is benign. blessings. It looks as though you are covered in prayers.
Prayers brought in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Please let us know how you are progressing.
Don't forget how important second and even third opinions are. If you want to come up to Mass Eye and Ear Infirmary in Boston, let me know and I'll put you up!
Peace & hugs,
Praying for you!
I'm checking on you Leticia. Any news? Saying a prayer for you!
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