1.Aprons – Yes or No? If Yes, what does your favorite look like? Sometimes, when I am doing some serious baking, I put on an apron I bought for my trousseau when I was 14 and dreaming about raising a family someday. It's in need of repair, Isabella wore it to look like an impoverished St. Germaine last All Hallow's Eve. I'm starting to get inspired to get a new one for National Wear an Apron Day!
2.Baking – My favorite things to bake are: breads, brownies, chocolate chip cookies, birthday cakes, and Irish Soda Bread....nothing like a hot slice of soda bread with melting butter and a cup of tea.
3. Clothesline – Yes or No?No, and I miss it, but the dogs steal the clothes from the line! I enjoyed the outdoor experience of hanging the clothes out,especially in the spring, and the way they SMELL!
4. Donuts - have you ever made them? No. I'm afraid of deep frying!
5. One homemaking thing you do every day: I always empty the dishwasher, a job I hate!
6.Freezer – Do you have a separate deep freeze? No, wish I did.
7. Garbage Disposal – Yes or No? No.Too scared of little hands!
8. Handbook – What is your favorite homemaking resource? I pick up tips from my favorite bloggers.
9. Ironing – Love it or hate it? Or hate it but love the results? Yes to the latter.
10 Junk Drawer:Yes or No? Where is it? My whole desk is one big junk drawer.
11. Kitchen – Color and decorating scheme: I have designed my new kitchen after a troupe of little black labrador puppies buzz-sawed through my sagging, peeling, waterlogged 40 year old cabinets(nice doggies!)
It's got natural cherry cabinets with a peach colored tile floor, and a colonial blue walls, with a big print of the shoreline of Lake Como on the wall, that makes it Tuscan.
12. Love – What is your favorite part of homemaking? Teaching the girls to be good housekeepers, and cooking together for holidays.
13.Mop – Yes or No? Yes, and I do enjoy it!
14.Nylons – Wash by hand or in the washing machine?In the washer, in a lingerie bag, but I dry them on the line. Alright, sometimes I wash them in the bathtub with me a la Crocodile Dundee!
15. Oven – Do you use the window or open the oven to check?I open it up.
16.Pizza – What do you put on yours?I like very thin sliced peppers and onions, extra cheese, and sliced canned mushrooms if I have any.
17.Quiet – What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment?I either read or check my favorite blogs.
18. Recipe card box – Yes or No? What does it look like? It's a pretty cream colored card box with a fruit pattern. I have recipes dating back to my Nana who died in 1971 (Italian sauce, etc.)
19. Style of house – What style is your house? A 1960's cedar-shingled, expanded Cape Cod house, with no front dormers, but a large back dormer and attached garage. It has stained moldings and wood floors upstairs and down, I've added a fireplace and opened the walls in the back of the house to help the flow a bit from kitchen to dining room to homeschool classroom.
20. Tablecloths and napkins – Yes or No?Paper napkins, cloth placemats.
21.Under the kitchen sink – Organized or toxic wasteland?Organized once it gets out of control, but usually it tends toward toxicity!
22. Vacuum – How many times per week? I'm blessed with two daughters who fight to be able to vacuum.
23. Wash – How many loads of laundry do you do per week?At least 6 times a week
24. Do you keep a daily list of things to do that you cross off? When it's crunch time, like an upcoming event or holiday.
25.Yard – Yes or No? Who does what? My dh does the grass and the vegetable garden, I'm in charge of the Mary garden, and the flower beds, the poor girls get dog poop patrol!
26. Zzz’s – What is your last homemaking task for the day before going to bed? Set the coffeemaker up in case I'm too lazy to get up with my dh the next morning.
Want to play? Let me know in the comment box.