We took our first camping trip this year to Cedar Point Park in East Hampton, LI over Labor Day Weekend, and the weather was perfect! Here are some photos of our excursion to the Cedar Island Lighthouse on Sunday.
We discovered a bird whose beak was caught in a clam, and Gabbi rescued it by pulling gently on the clam till it was free. The freed bird quickly flew away, letting us know it wasn't harmed.

The lighthouse here was originally built of wood in 1834 to guide ships to Sag Harbor which was then a big whaling town and seaport. The lighthouse was rebuilt in stone in 1868, and served until it was decommissioned in 1934. The hurricane of 1938 built this causeway to the lighthouse, making Cedar Island into Cedar Point, jutting into Gardiner's Bay on the North Shore of the South Fork of Long Island. 

It is an inexpensive haven for families in a beautiful (and expensive) part of Long Island.
We had a great weekend.
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