Friday, November 16, 2007

Feast of St. Gertrude the Great

Eternal Father, I offer you the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in purgatory,
for sinners everywhere, those in the Universal Church,
in my home and
in my own family.

Are 1,000 souls really released from purgatory? Theologians tell us we may not be certain of the exact number. But we do know that Our Lord points to the efficacy of our prayers offered up for these suffering souls. A "thousand" souls released could very well mean more than we can count, more than we dare to ask.

St. Gertrude's Feast Day is November 16. She is call "Great" because of her love for the Sacred Heart and the beloved souls in Purgatory.

We are told that most souls are released on Christmas Day. In honor of St. Gertrude add her prayer in your Christ-Mass Cards. We can give Paradise to the holy souls and swell the ranks of the Church Triumphant. We can ask Our Lord to empty Purgatory on Christmas day. Let us ask more than we dare. Let us be BOLD in our asking. Let us give these suffering friends to Our Lord on His Birthday.

What a glorious Christ-Mass day in Heaven it will be for everyone.

By Susan Tassone

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