Tuesday, February 10, 2009

KIDS featured in The Catholic Standard and Times

Christina Bogdan, whom I met at the 2007 March for Life (this photo) and who inspired me to say, "we moms of Down syndrome children should march as a group" told Nadia a reporter at The Catholic Standard and Times in Philadelphia about our group.
She relates her experience as she joined our group at the March, lovely new infant wrapped inside a 'mommy-coat'.
“As soon as Andrew saw Sadie and Christina, his eyes lit up,” Bogdan said. “They never met before, but they were so excited to see each other. He saw children all day, but he was just so excited to see them because I think it is important for him to see that there are other children that are like him and are his age.”
I must say that Christina and I agreed that it would be great to 'do something' but it took Eileen Haupt, who emailed me after the March in 2008, to get the ball rolling. Eileen who has run for state office twice and is active in the National Right to Life Committee, is a real mover and shaker who is the inspiration behind KIDS. She came up with the name, she helped design the logo with a friend, and she keeps me, who is full of enthusiasm yet lacks organization on track.We feel strongly that God was behind this group, and we often say we are "riding the wave of the Holy Spirit". Let's see where that takes KIDS.
Read the entire article here.


Monica Crumley said...

This is awesome. Thank you for making it known to the WORLD that children with Down syndrome are something to embrace.

Anonymous said...

Proud of you for doing absolutely everything in your power to make a difference. That is why the Lord keeps asking more of you(presenting more possibilities), because you give unreservedly.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful article! I'm so proud of you guys too!

oh and I just passed on a blog award to you. Go to my blog for details :)