Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mrs Schindler found a note from her daughter Terri Schiavo

"The note, in the loose form of a poem or greeting card, appears to validate the argument that Terri's valued the moral teachings of her pro-life, Catholic parents.
"Today I shall begin a life of my own just as you did some years ago;

With me shall go the values you taught the caring you've shown,
the love that has grown; and the meaning in a home.
And if when I have a child as you did
it will be given the same love and understanding
that was given to me."
Schindler told, "It comforts us to know that Terri embraced the values my parents taught us as children - the importance of faith, family and unconditional love."

Read the rest of the story here.
HT Life News. com
This is a tender reminder that Terri had not strayed from her parents' pro-life morals, and would have wanted to live, despite the monstrous selfishness of her husband who wanted her dead.

I had a similar experience, when going through some papers on the eve of my Grandma's funeral. All the members of my family had someone in their bedroom that night but me; my parents, my cousins, my aunt and uncle, and my brothers; I was the only one spending the night alone with my thoughts. But of course, I wasn't alone.
But God allowed me to come accross a letter written by Grandma, from exactly the same date, several years before which read, "I love you, I miss you, I am thinking of you, and I am praying for you." And I knew, that, despite the age of the letter, it was true. Grandma was doing all these things for me, at that moment, whether from Purgatory or Heaven.

What a consolation that letter was for me. I understand, Mrs. Schindler.
Never forget the tragedy of Terri Schiavo.

1 comment:

Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

I actually lived in FL when all of the fighting over her started. I thought it was just local news and then when I moved to Indiana I found out her story was National!